
Please take a look at the projects below. These are projects that I have directly been a part of, also indicating my role.

Current Projects

  • Robot Project, Project Owner
    • This is a side project that I’m working on to build on my skills that I developed while working on my senior design project, BusBot, mentioned below
    • I am planning to develop and strengthen skills with 3D printing, algorithm development (path planning), hardware integration, and general engineering/problem-solving
    • Pictures will be posted soon!

Past Projects

  • OpenAI Lunar Lander Deep Learning, Developer
    • Final project for ASEN 5264: Decision Making Under Uncertainty
    • Used deep reinforcement learning to successfully place an OpenAI Gym Lunar Lander in between two flags on the Moon’s surface
    • This project focused on analyzing performance of Q-Learning and Deep Q-Learning
    • Built a Deep Q-Network (DQN) in which the agent was able to successfully learn how to land in between two flags in a 2D space
    • Technical Report
    • GitHub Repository
  • SEDS University Student Rocketry Challenge (USRC), Project Manager
    • This project is a competition that involves design, building, and launching a rocket to reach as high an altitude as possible, but at least 3000 feet AGL. The rocket was to feature at least two stages, and the total combined impulse of all motors could not exceed 640 Newton-seconds.
    • Design Report
    • *NOTE: This competition was cancelled due to COVID-19.*
  • Spaceport America Cup 2020, Avionics Lead Engineer
    • SA Cup 2020 is a competition in New Mexico, and the rocket was designed to reach an altitude of 30,000 feet AGL using a solid COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) motor. I was in charge of the design of all avionics aboard the rocket such as the recovery system and payload electronics.
    • *NOTE: This competition/project has been cancelled due to COVID-19.*
  • BusBot – Senior Design Project, Robot Programmer
    • This project was for the senior capstone which competed in the UNLV College of Engineering Senior Design Competition. The basic function of this robot was to create a 2D and 3D map a restaurant floor using both a LIDAR and depth camera. It took this map and autonomously navigated its way around the map using the restaurant tables as waypoints. Using a web app, the server could choose the table that they would like to robot to navigate to, and dirty dishes could be placed on top of the robot. When the robot reached its maximum load, it would automatically navigate to the dish pit in the kitchen so that all the dishes can be off-loaded. Robot Operating System (ROS) was utilized to accomplish all of the above.
    • My role in this project was to organize all of the ROS packages necessary for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) and autonomous navigation.
    • Please take a look at this YouTube playlist that I created to showcase the robot’s capabilities through tests.
    • GitHub Repository
  • Spaceport America Cup 2019, Avionics Lead Engineer
    • The rocket for this competition was designed to reach an altitude of 10,000 feet AGL using a solid COTS motor. I was in charge of the design of the payload electronics and sole decision-maker for COTS electronics chosen for the recovery system. I designed and helped program the payload ejection system, and designed the PCB for the control system and tracking system for the payload (inflatable habitat). The rocket completed a nominal flight, and was successfully recovered.
  • Operational-Amplifier Design, Student Designer
    • The project above was the final project for the course: EE 420 Analog Integrated Circuit Design. Click the link above to take a look at my report. Click here if you would like to take a look at the LTSpice files of my design contained in a .zip format. There are multiple simulations in order to test for the different design constraints.
  • Helmholtz Coil Design, Device and Apparatus Designer
    • This project was for the course: EE 330 Electromagnetics Engineering. The purpose of the Helmholtz Coil was to generate a uniform magnetic field strength less than 5% of the Earth’s magnetic field. This had to be done by using only household products, including building our own resistors. You can find the report in the link above, which also includes a MATLAB simulation of the magnetic field strength at any given point.
  • Fireman, Project Lead and Programmer
    • Fireman is a game in which the player controls a player piece designated as the “Fireman” that moves around a screen trying to get to the water. In order to reach the water, the fireman must carefully meander through the fire. If the fireman can reach the water, the water and fire blocks will reappear throughout the screen randomly, and the player earns a point. If the fireman touches any of the fire pieces, then the game is over and is reset. The skills gained from this project was learning SystemVerilog and interfacing VGA output with the Altera DE2 Board. You can find the project report in the link above.
    • This project won third place in the Junior Design Competition at UNLV for the Spring 2019 semester.